are any formulas for $\arg\max(f(x))$ known
(in the context of this question, $\max(f(x))$ shall denote the essential supremum of $f(x)$ over some given domain $\Omega\subset X$)?
The reason for asking is two-fold
due to a result of Kantorowitsch the essential supremum (or, vrai max, as he called it) can be epressed as $$\lim_{p\to\infty}\left(\int_\Omega\left|f(x)\right|^p\right)^\frac{1}{p}$$ cf e.g. this link, but I couldn't find an expression for $\arg\max(f(x))$ not even for single elements of that set.
It seems counter intuitive, that it should not be possible to retrieve elements of $\arg\max(f(x))$ from an expression that yields the essential supremum and thus "should know" where $f(x)$ attains its "maximal" values. I would therefore be surprised to learn that that kind of intuition had not yet been investigated.
In the context of this question, the essential supremum (resp. vrai max is defined as here and it is further assumed, that $$0\ <\ f(x_0) = \lim_{\epsilon\to 0}vrai \max \left(f\left(x\in U_\epsilon(x_0)\right)\right)\ <\ +\infty\ \forall x_0\in\bar\Omega$$
I am looking for expressions for (single) elements of $\arg \max(f(x))$, e.g. the one that yields the lexical maximum of $(f(x),x)$.