I asked this yesterday on math.stackexchange. It didn't get any attention so I'm reposting here. Hope this is in line with policy.
I have data which I model as $50$ rounds of a Markov chain with linear transition probabilities $$ P_{ij} = \begin{cases} \alpha_1 i + \alpha_0 & \mbox{ if } j=i-1 \\ \beta_1 i + \beta_0 & \mbox{ if } j=i+1 \\ 1-(\alpha_1+\beta_1) i - (\alpha_0+\beta_0) & \mbox{ if } j=i \\ 0 & \mbox{ otherwise} \end{cases} $$
The linear probabilities mean this can't be well defined on $\mathbb{Z}$, to resolve that I bound $0\le i\le 50$.
The resultant constraints on $\alpha_{0,1},\beta_{0,1}$ are dependent and not very nice. I don't mind making do with neater box constraints because I have some initial guesses for them.
What I have are samples drawn from the probability distribution $P^{50} e_k$ resulting from this process for several known starting points $k$.
I currently use (somewhat arbitrarily) a simulated annealing type process to minimize the covariance of the empirical data and the computed probability distribution given $\alpha_{0,1},\beta_{0,1}$, but I would like something more robust. My question is:
- Has this type of fitting problem been studied? If so, where can I find results on it?
- Are there any similar results on fitting Markov chains that I can use to get ideas on how I could look for a solution?
- Are there other optimization methods (not necessarily assuming the data results from a Markov chain) I should look into?