let $\quad-1=x_0 < x_1 <\ ...\ < x_n<1\quad$ be a set of abscissas
and $\quad(y_0, y_1,\ ...\,y_n)\quad$ a sequence of the corresponding ordinates.
what can be said about the existence and calculation of a pole-free rational function $R(x)$,
with the following properties?:$\quad R(x_i) = y_i,\quad\quad\quad 0 \le i\le n$
$\quad \frac{d^îR}{dx^î}(1) = \frac{d^iR}{dx^i}(-1),\quad \forall i\in\mathbb{N}_0, \left(\frac{d^0R}{dx^0}(x) := R(x)\right)$
Background of my question is Barycentric Rational Interpolation is an infinitely often differentable analytic alternative to Splines and NURBS and I wonder, if rational interpolation could also provide infinitely often differentiable analytic closed curves through a set of points e.g. in the plane.