A result of Green and Tao (initially conditional on two conjectures which were eventually settled by them and Ziegler) states that for any $s\in\mathbb N$, $$\lim_{w\to\infty}\limsup_{N\to\infty}\sup_{b\leq W,~ (b,W)=1}\|\Lambda(Wn+b)-1\|_{U^s_{[N]}}=0$$ where $W$ is the product of the first $w$ primes, $\Lambda$ is the von Mangoldt function, $\|\cdot\|_{U^s_{[N]}}$ denotes the Gowers $s$-norm and $n$ is the dummy variable of the function $n\mapsto\Lambda(Wn+b)-1$ inside the Gowers norm.
This result can be understood as saying that, after getting rid of local obstructions, the von Mangoldt function (and hence, in some sense, also the primes) is (Gowers) uniform. It has been used to find several patterns in the primes.
The question is whether a similar uniformity is known for the Beatty primes, i.e. primes of the form $\lfloor\theta n+\gamma\rfloor$ for fixed $\theta,\gamma\in\mathbb R$, $\theta>1$. More precisely:
Question: Is it known that for any $\theta,\gamma\in\mathbb R$ with $\theta>1$ irrational and any $s\in\mathbb N$ we have $$\lim_{w\to\infty}\limsup_{N\to\infty}\sup_{b\leq W,~ (b,W)=1}\Big\|1_B\cdot\big(\Lambda(Wn+b)-1\big)\Big\|_{U^s_{[N]}}=0,$$ where $W$ is the product of the first $w$ primes and $1_B$ is the indicator function of the set $B:=\big\{n\in\mathbb N:Wn+b\in\{\lfloor\theta m+\gamma\rfloor:m\in\mathbb Z\}\big\}$?