On chapter III.4 ("Metrized $\mathcal{o}$-modules") of this book on algebraic number theory, Neukirch credits his treatment of the theory of finitely generated $\mathcal{o}$-modules to the course "Arakelov theory and Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch" taught by Günter Tamme. He continues:
There, however, proofs were not given directly, as we will do here, but usually deduced as special cases from the general abstract theory.
In the references, Neukirch only lists Tamme's book on Étale Cohomology and his article on the proceedings "Beilinson's Conjectures on Special Values of L-functions".
Was any of this ever put on writing?
Alternatively, is there a good reference where this things are "deduced as special cases from the general abstract theory"?