Is it possible to describe the set of sequences $a(n) = \mathcal{O}(1)$ such that $$\frac{F'}{F}(s) = \sum_{p^k} a(p^k) p^{-sk} \ln p \qquad (Re(s) > 1)$$ is the logarithmic derivative of a function meromorphic on the whole complex plane ?
The restriction that $\frac{F'}{F}$ is meromorphic with all its poles being of the form $\frac{\pm k}{s-\beta}$ seems to be strong enough for deducing something on $a(n)$ - if it helps assuming the (generalized) Riemann hypothesis.
If $F(s) = \frac{P(s)\prod_{k=1}^K L(n_k s-s_k,\pi_k)}{Q(s)\prod_{m=1}^M L(n_m s-s_m,\pi_m)}$, $L(s,\pi_.)$ are automorphic L-functions and $P(s),Q(s)$ are two entire Euler products, then $\frac{F'}{F}(s)$ fits the requirements. If $K,M \to \infty$ it should fit too assuming everything converges compactly. A part of the question is if you can find other classes of meromorphic Euler products ?