Recall that the James $p$-space $J_{p}(1<p<\infty)$ is the (real) Banach space of all sequences $(a_{n})_{n}$ of real numbers such that $\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}a_{n}=0$ and $$\|(a_{n})_{n}\|_{pv}=\sup\{(\sum_{j=1}^{m}|a_{i_{j-1}}-a_{i_{j}}|^{p})^{\frac{1}{p}}:1\leq i_{0}<i_{1}<\cdots<i_{m}, m\in \mathbb{N}\}<\infty.$$
The sequence $(e_{n})_{n}$ of standard unit vectors forms a monotone shrinking basis for $J_{p}$ in norm $\|\cdot\|_{pv}$. It is known that $J_{p}$ is non-reflexive and is codimension of $1$ in $J^{**}_{p}$, but every infinite-dimensional closed subspace of $J_{p}$ contains a subspace isomorphic to $l_{p}$.
Q1: Let $T:J_{p}\rightarrow X$ be an operator. If $T$ is strictly singular, is $T$ weakly compact?
Q2: Let $T:J_{p}\rightarrow X$ be an operator. If $T$ is non-weakly compact, does $T$ fix a copy of $l_{p}$?
Thank you!