Fix a finite set of primes $S$ and an additional prime $p$. Let $K$ be the maximal extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ that is unramified outside $S$ and $\infty$ and totally split at $p$. Is the extension $K$ finite?
My intuitive guess would be no, but the simple constructions (based on class field theory) I tried so far do not prove this, at least for the ground field $\mathbb{Q}$. In contrast, for imaginary quadratic fields, there are extensions with Galois group $\mathbb{Z}_{\ell}^2$ ramified only above $\ell$, and any place not above $\ell$ splits completely in an infinite subextension, as $\mathbb{Z}_{\ell}^2$ has no procyclic subgroups of finite index.