Consider the inclusion $i_n: \varDelta_{\leq n} \hookrightarrow \varDelta$. This induces a truncation functor $tr_n:\mathbf{sSet}\to\mathbf{sSet}_{\leq n}$, which has a left and a right adjoint, $tr_n^L$ and $tr_n^R$, obtained via Kan extension. This allows us to define the $n$-(co)skeleton of a simplical set $X$: $$ sk_n X := tr_n^L tr_n X, \quad cosk_n X := tr_n^Rtr_n X. $$ It is easy to see that these functors form an adjunction.
$sk_n$ is analogous to forgetting about cells of dimension greater than $n$ in a CW complex, i.e. taking the n-skeleton. What is the dual analogy (if it exists) for the coskeleton of a simplical set $X$?