In part of my research, I need to count (or find a polynomial bound for) the number of possible ways to select $n$ distinct integers less than the prime $p$, say $r_1, r_2, …, r_n$, which are pairwise co-prime and the product of any $k$ of them ($k<n$) is less than $p$. I call the number I look for $\alpha$.
Let $p_i$ denotes the $i$-th prime number, and $P=\{ p_1, p_2, …, p_s\}$ denotes the set of all primes less than $t=\dfrac{p}{p_{n-k}\cdot p_{n-k+1}\cdots p_{n-2}}$. Having in mind the idea of this answer, I think of these two approaches:
Approach 1. The number of ways to partition a set of $a$ labelled objects into $n$ nonempty unlabelled subsets, for any $n\leq a \leq s$, is a lower bound for $\alpha$, i.e.
$$\sum_{a=n}^{s}{s \choose a}S(a,n) \leq \alpha,$$
where $S(a,n)$ is the Stirling number of the second type. This bound, just, does not count the possibilities that in some of the partitions above, some $p_i$'s can be replaced by $p_i^j$, for some $1 < j< \log_{p_i}t$.
Approach 2. The number of possible selections is bounded by: $$ \alpha \leq {{t}\choose{n}}.$$
I am looking forward any idea to improve these bounds.