I thank Loic Teyssier and Emil Jerabek who helped me to revise the two previous version
This question is motivated by the following fact in complex variable:(I learned this fact from the book of Ahlfors, Complex Analysis)
Fact: If all roots of a complex polynomial $p(z)$ lie in a half plane then all roots of its derivative $p'(z)$ lie in the same half plane.
this implies that
If all roots of a polynomial $p(z)$ is contained in a convex set $K$ then all roots of $p'(z)$ is contained in $K$, too.
This means that The algebra $A$ of polynomials satisfies the following property:
Property $P$:
$A$ is an algebra of entire functions which is closed under derivation and for every $f\in A$ and every convex set $K$ with $Z(f)\subseteq K $ we have $Z(f') \subseteq K$.
I have a question on this fact:
Question: Is there an algebra $A$ of entire functions with the above property $P$ but $A$ is not equal to the polynomial algebra?