Let $R$ be a ring (associative with unit, but not necessarily commutative, and definitely not necessarily Noetherian.) Then the category $\operatorname{GP}(R)$ consists of those $R$-modules having a complete projective resolution, i.e. that are expressible as the image of the map $P_{-1}\to P_0$ in some sequence
$$\cdots\to P_{-2}\to P_{-1}\to P_0\to P_1\to P_2\to\cdots$$
of projective $R$-modules, such that this sequence remains exact under $\operatorname{Hom}_R(-,P)$ for any projective $P$. (For extra emphasis: I do not make any finite-generation assumptions on $M$, or on the $P_i$.)
My questions are then the following:
- Is $\operatorname{GP}(R)$ a Frobenius category?
Depending on the answer, there are natural follow-up questions:
If yes, is there a good reference for this, ideally with a complete argument?
If not, can we get this property back by assuming a little more about $R$? As a target, I would like to deal with the case that $R$ is a complete preprojective algebra of an arbitrary finite quiver (which is not typically Noetherian).
Henrik Holm has a very nice paper called 'Gorenstein homological dimensions', which proves lots of things about $\operatorname{GP}(R)$ for a general ring $R$, but does not directly address this question. He does show that this category is resolving, which helps a bit (in particular, it is closed under extensions and so inherits an exact structure from $\operatorname{Mod}{R}$). Assuming I haven't made any mistakes, I think the facts that $\operatorname{GP}(R)$ contains all projective $R$-modules, which are also injective in $\operatorname{GP}(R)$, and that every Gorenstein projective admits both an epimorphism from and a monomorphism to such a module are all pretty much clear from the definition. So the only thing that might go wrong (I think!) is that there could be more projectives/injectives that don't agree with each other.
There is some extra context which might give a flavour of the kind of sources I would most appreciate (although of course any answer is appreciated!). I am aware that many authors consider the case that $R$ is Iwanaga–Gorenstein, meaning that $R$ is Noetherian and of finite injective dimension as a module on each side, and then consider the Frobenius category
$$\operatorname{GP}'(R):=\{X\in\operatorname{mod}{R}:\operatorname{Ext}_R^i(M,R)=0\ \forall\ i>0\}.$$
I am interested in certain (probably) non-Noetherian rings $R$, but that still have finite injective dimension as a module on each side, and in certain (possibly not finitely-generated) $R$-modules $M$ such that $\operatorname{Ext}^i_R(M,P)=0$ for any projective $P$ and any $i>0$. My feeling is that there should be some reasonable Frobenius category of 'Gorenstein projective-like' modules associated to $R$ and containing $M$, by focussing on the homological conditions and forgetting about any finiteness (even something like $\operatorname{GP}'(R)$ as defined above, but with $\operatorname{mod}{R}$ replaced by $\operatorname{Mod}{R}$, and $R$ replaced by an arbitrary projective in the condition – one of the things that Holm proves is that this category is then very close to $\operatorname{GP}(R)$ as defined at the top of the question, but might also include some modules with no finite resolution by Gorenstein projectives). However, I am not very familiar with what can go wrong when you drop finiteness conditions, and am concerned that I may lose the Frobenius property somewhere.
If it helps, I may in the end want my category to be Krull–Schmidt (in the strong sense that indecomposables are characterised by having local endomorphism rings) which means I will have to require that $R$ is semi-perfect. This gives a bit more control over $\operatorname{Proj}{R}$, as it means that there are finitely many indecomposable projectives such that every projective is a (possibly infinite) direct sum of these.