Estimating $E[X]$ from i.i.d. copies $X_1,X_2,\dotsc$ of a random variable $X$ with unknown distribution $P$ is well studied, obviously. When $X$ has extremely large variance, the Monte Carlo estimates $$ \frac 1 n \sum_{j \le n} X_j $$ will generally not have low enough variance to be useful in practice. Moreover, one cannot give any quantitative bounds on the accuracy of such estimates (even merely with high probability) without further assumptions.
The problem seems to be made much easier if we're willing to say that we don't care about extreme events. One way to formalize this is to say that we're actually interested in estimating $E[X;A]=E[X \,1_A]$ for some set $A$ such that $P(A)$ is large. (Alternatively, we may want a confidence interval.) We may even be willing to choose $A$ to make the problem easier. (This relaxation of the problem is obviously not appropriate in all situations, but it does seem appropriate in the situation that led us to ask this question.)
At this stage, we're curious to hear about related work. The attack we're considering is to use basic facts about order statistics, but we don't want to reinvent the wheel.