Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a projective bundle of rank $r$ over a smooth complex quasi projective variety $B$, and form its associated projective bundle $\chi :=\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{E})$. Let $\pi : \chi \rightarrow B$ denote the projection map. It is known that the Chow ring and the cohomology ring of $\chi$ are given by
$H^*(\chi, \mathbb{Q})=\dfrac{H^*(B, \mathbb{Q})[h]}{f}$,
where $f= h^r+\pi^* c_1(\mathcal{E})h^{r-1}+ ...+ \pi^*c_r(\mathcal{E})$ with $c_i \in CH^i(B)$ the $i$-th Chern class of the vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$.
Now, the relative Kunneth formula also give us
$H^*(\chi \times_B \chi ,\mathbb{Q})=\dfrac{H^*(B,\mathbb{Q})[h_1, h_2]}{f_1,f_2}$, with $f_i:=f(h_i)$.
(Does such a formula also hold for the Chow ring?)
What I am looking for is a decomposition for the cohomology class of the relative diagonal $\Delta_{\chi}\in H^{2r-2}(\chi\times_B\chi,\mathbb{Q})$ accordingly to the decomposition above. I guess it is possible to describe it in terms of the Chern classes or some other cohomology classes attached to $\mathcal{E}$, am I wrong?