Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra and $A^{op}$ it's opposite $C^*$-algebra. Let $id:A\to A^{op}$ be the identity map. $id$ is positive.
The claim is: $id$ is completely positive iff $A$ is abelian.
I need this statement for further studies.
The direction $\Leftarrow$ is easier to understand (I hope that everything is correct): If $A$ is abelian, then $A^{op}$ is abelian too. One can identify $A^{op}$ with $C_0(X)$ for a locally compact Hausdorff space $X$ and consider $id$ as a map $A\to C_0(X)$. This map is positive, hence completely positive (it's a standard fact about completely positive maps). It follows that $id:A\to A^{op}$ is completely positive.
But I'm stuck to prove $\Rightarrow$. Can anybody give me some hints or does anybody know good references? It will be greatly appreciated.