This question has a subjective component but I would like answers that try to stick to concrete observable facts, such as which papers use which terminology. However, the informed impressions of those working with operator spaces or operator algebras is welcome.
The projective and Haagerup tensor products of operator spaces can be seen as the universal constructions that linearize certain kinds of bilinear maps on operator spaces. Here is what I can gather from trying to survey the literature:
The book of Effros+Ruan calls the first kind of bilinear maps "completely bounded" and the second kind "multiplicatively bounded".
The early papers of Blecher+Paulsen call the first kind of bilinear maps "jointly completely bounded" and the second kind "completely bounded".
The book of Pisier seems, if I have read it correctly, to duck the issue wherever possible by constantly referring to c.b. maps $E\to F^*$ (which correspond to linear functionals on the projective tensor product of $E$ and $F$ in the operator-space category).
My question is this: is there a current consensus on which terminology to use?