I am teaching a course on Riemann Surfaces next term, and would like a list of facts illustrating the difference between the theory of real (differentiable) manifolds and the theory non-singular varieties (over, say, $\mathbb{C}$). I am looking for examples that would be meaningful to 2nd year US graduate students who has taken 1 year of topology and 1 semester of complex analysis.
Here are some examples that I thought of:
1. Every $n$-dimensional real manifold embeds in $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$. By contrast, a projective variety does not embed in $\mathbb{A}^n$ for any $n$. Every $n$-dimensional non-singular, projective variety embeds in $\mathbb{P}^{2n+1}$, but there are non-singular, proper varieties that do not embed in any projective space.
2. Suppose that $X$ is a real manifold and $f$ is a smooth function on an open subset $U$. Given $V \subset U$ compactly contained in $U$, there exists a global function $\tilde{g}$ that agrees with $f$ on $V$ and is identically zero outside of $U$.
By contrast, consider the same set-up when $X$ is a non-singular variety and $f$ is a regular function. It may be impossible find a global regular function $g$ that agrees with $f$ on $V$. When $g$ exists, it is unique and (when $f$ is non-zero) is not identically zero on outside of $U$.
3. If $X$ is a real manifold and $p \in X$ is a point, then the ring of germs at $p$ is non-noetherian. The local ring of a variety at a point is always noetherian.
What are some more examples?
Answers illustrating the difference between real manifolds and complex manifolds are also welcome.