$\def\conv{\mathop{\rm conv}}$Your condition is almost sufficient.
Let $g\colon S^1\to S^{n-1}$ be the given path on the sphere. The `no half-sphere' condition tells that $0$ lies in the convex hull of $g(S^1)$ (if a half-shpere is open) of that $0$ lies in the interior of $g(S^1)$ (if a half-sphere is closed). The latter condition is not necessary for a path lying in a hyperplane (but then we may pass to a subspace!). The former one is not sufficient: if $0$ lies on the boundary of $\conv(g(S^1))$, but the interior of this convex hull is nonempty, then a required path does not exist.
So, let us assume that $\mathop{\rm lin}(g(S^1))$ is the whole space; then the necessary condition is that $0$ lies in the interior of $\conv(g(S^1))$. Let us show that it is also sufficient. To perform this, we need to find a positive smooth density function $p$ on $S^1$ (say, parametrized by angle) such that
then $S^1\ni t\mapsto \int_0^t p(x)g(x)\,dx$ is a required path. But the set of values of such integrals is convex and meets any neighborhood of any point on $g(S^1)$; thus it covers the whole interior of $\conv(g(S^1))$.