I am reading a paper http://www.math.tamu.edu/~johnson/TF3.4.pdf by Bill Johnson and Andrzej Szankowski and having trouble grasping why $d_n(Z_m) \leq d_n(\ell_{p_{m+1}} ) = n^{|p_{m+1}-2|}$ in the end of page 13 holds.
Here $d_n(X) = \sup d(E, \ell_2^n)$, where $d$ is the Banach-Mazur distance and $\sup$ is taken over all $n$-dimensional subspaces $E$ of $X$. So, in fact, there are two questions:
1) Why $d_n(\ell_p) = n^{|p-2|}$?
2) Why $d_n(Z_m) \leq d_n(\ell_{p_{m+1}})$? Here $Z_m = \sum_{i > m} \oplus_2 \ell_{p_i}^{k_i}$ with $|p_i - 2| \leq |p_{m+1} - 2|$ and $k_i \in \mathbb N$.
Let me note that it is relatively easy to see that $d_n(\ell_p^m) = n^{|1/p - 1/2|}$. See, e.g., [Handbook of Banach space geometry, p. 43] for $d(\ell_p^n, \ell_2^n) = n^{|1/p - 1/2|}$. (Also Banach-Mazur distance estimate finite-dimensional $\ell_p$ spaces or Banach-Mazur distance between $\ell^p$-norms .)