Even if you have $0.999n^2$ edges, as $n \to \infty$ there can't be $0.0001n!$ matchings. For fixed $c, d \in (0,1)$ and large enough $n=n(c,d)$, among the bipartite graphs with $cn!$ perfect matchings, not only is there not a positive proportion of graphs with at most $dn^2$ edges, there are none at all.
If there are at most $(1- 2\epsilon)n^2$ edges, then there are at least $\epsilon n$ vertices of degree at most $(1-\epsilon)n$. The number of matchings on such a graph is at most $\left((1-\epsilon)n\right)^{\epsilon n} \left((1-\epsilon)n\right)!$ because we can choose the partners for the $\epsilon n$ vertices of small degree first, and then a matching on the other $(1-\epsilon)n$ vertices.
$$\begin{eqnarray}\frac{\left((1-\epsilon)n\right)^{\epsilon n} \left((1-\epsilon)n\right)!}{n!} &\le& \frac{(1-\epsilon)n}{n} \frac{(1-\epsilon) n}{n-1} ... \frac{(1-\epsilon)n}{n-\epsilon n + 1} \newline & \le & \left(\frac{(1- \epsilon)n}{(1-\epsilon/2)n} \right)^{(\epsilon/2) n} 1^{(\epsilon/2)n}\newline &\le & \left(\left(\frac{1-\epsilon}{1-\epsilon/2} \right)^{\epsilon/2} \right) ^n.\end{eqnarray}$$
If there are at most $(1-2\epsilon)n^2$ edges, then this upper bound for the probability that a random matching is contained in these edges drops exponentially with $n$. So, for any $c,d \in (0,1)$, there are only finitely many $n$ so that there are graphs with at least $cn!$ matchings and at most $dn^2$ edges.