Edit: As an attempt to make the question somewhat more precise, I'll describe my intuitions in more detail here. Yes, I'm changing the details of question slightly, but the spirit of it remains the same.
First, there's the basic idea of viewing real numbers simultaneously as "points", "adders", and "multipliers", to use the terminology in the linked video.
If we consider "adders" (is there a better term?) as morphisms in some category, then the operation $+$ becomes simply composition in that category. Likewise for multipliers and $\times$. But we want more than this: $\mathbb{R}$ is actually a field, although I'm not exactly sure how much of the field structure is necessary to define $\exp$.
Now the second idea is the "naturality" of $\exp$. Provided we can interpret $+$ and $\times$ as (bi-)functors in a manner consistent with the necessary structure, we find that $\exp$ does indeed obey a kind of naturality: we have $\times \circ (\exp, \exp) = \exp \circ +$.
Finally, there is a possible application of the Yoneda lemma. The Yoneda lemma states that a natural transformation $\eta:\hom(A,-)\to F$ from a representable functor is completely determined by where it sends the identity map $id_A$; the element $\eta(id_A)$ is called a "universal element" for $\eta$. Each element of $F(A)$ determines a unique such $\eta$.
Now consider $\square+a$,$\square\times a$, and $a^\square$ as families of functions parameterized by $a$: notice how a function in each family is completely, uniquely determined by its value at the respective identity elements, $0+a=1\times a = a^1 = a$; and every real $a$ determines a unique function in each family. This directly parallels the Yoneda lemma as stated above, and I wonder if there is any connection.
Furthermore, where there is nontrivial representability, we typically have interesting universal properties. Indeed, the idea that $e$ is the "most natural" base suggests a universal property of some sort.
What I am asking is whether there is any kind of precise category-theoretic backing for any of these four informal observations.
End edit. The original question follows.
Yesterday, I came across [this video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_0yfvm0UoU) by "3Blue1Brown" about Euler's identity $e^{i \pi} = -1$.
By itself, the video is not MathOverflow material - its subject is far from "research-level". But it did strike a chord with me that I believe is worth following up on here. For many months now I've been trying to teach myself category theory; right now I'm trying to get a handle on universal properties, (co)limits, the Yoneda lemma, etc.
So the first 'aha' moment for me came at just under 2 minutes into the video. Here 3Blue talks about addition of reals this way:
Think of "adders" [real functions $f_y(x)= x + y$] purely as sliding the [real] line with the following rule: You slide until the point corresponding to zero ends up where the point corresponding to the adder itself started.
When you apply two adders, the effect will be the same as applying some other adder. This is how we define their sum.
Hmm... That sounds like there's a category here somewhere.
He goes on to describe multiplication similarly:
Now, the rule is to fix 0 in place, and bring the point corresponding with 1 to where the point corresponding with the multiplier itself started off, keeping everything evenly spaced as you do so.
We can now redefine multiplication as the successive application of two different actions.
Then he segues into a discussion of $e^x$:
The life's ambition of $e^x$ is to transform adders into multipliers, and to do so as naturally as possible.
Wait a minute... "transform ... as naturally as possible"... Lo and behold, the next screen shows none other than a "naturality diagram" for $e^x$!
This "diagram" (I put it in quotes because we don't have a formally defined category) happens to express exactly the equation $e^{x+y}=e^x e^y$.
The video continues:
Multiple functions satisfy this property, but ... one stands out as being the most natural, and we express it with this infinite sum:
$$ e^x := \sum {1\over n!} x^n$$
By the way, the number $e$ is just defined to be the value of this function at 1.
3Blue then proceeds to develop complex arithmetic, eventually deriving Euler's identity, using the same intuitions as before.
So now it seems we have not only a "natural transformation", but also some "universal properties" on our hands as well. Indeed, by definition all three of these operations are completely determined by their actions on the respective identity elements. I think I sense Yoneda in here somewhere.
So, my actual question is:
Question: Am I actually onto something here, or is this just nonsense?
Is there a precise sense in which $e^x$ is a natural transformation?
Is there a precise sense in which real or complex addition, multiplication, and/or exponentiation are universal in the sense of category theory?
If so, what are the categories/functors involved?