Let $PU(n) = U(n)/U(1)$ be the projective unitary group and denote by $BPU(n)$ its classifying space. Consider the algebra $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ as an $n^2$-dimensional Hilbert space equipped with the inner product $\langle T, S \rangle = \mathrm{tr}(T^*S)$. Then we have a group homomorphism $$ PU(n) \to U(n^2)\ , $$ which sends $[u] \in PU(n)$ to the linear map $\mathrm{Ad}_u \colon M_n(\mathbb{C}) \to M_n(\mathbb{C}) \ ;\ T \mapsto uTu^*$. The corresponding map $BPU(n) \to BU(n^2)$ on classifying spaces induces $$ \mathrm{Ad}^* \colon \mathbb{Z}[c_1, \dots, c_{n^2}] \cong H^*(BU(n^2), \mathbb{Z}) \to H^*(BPU(n), \mathbb{Z})\ . $$ The generators of the polynomial ring are the Chern classes of the universal bundle. Since every bundle of matrix algebras has the unit section as a non-vanishing section, we have $\mathrm{Ad}^*(c_{n^2}) = 0$.
For which $n \in \mathbb{N}$ do we have $\mathrm{Ad}^*(c_{n^2-1}) \neq 0$ ?
(I just realized that the map could rightfully be called $\mathrm{BAd}^*$, but decided against it :-)