My guess is you are talking about finite MDPs. There deterministic strategies are optimal, and any deterministic optimal strategy satisfies
\phi(x) \in \operatorname{Argmax}_{a\in A(x)} Q^*(x,a).
Similarly, any non-deterministic strategy must satisfy
\pi(\operatorname{Argmax}_{a\in A(x)} Q^*(x,a)|x) = 1
Thus, if you have some optimal $\pi$, then you can construct an optimal $\phi$ by iterating over $x\in X$, and picking $\phi(x)$ to be any $a$ with a property $\pi(a|x) > 0$. Depending on how $\pi$ was stored, your speed varies. For example, if $\pi$ was stored as a sparse matrix of a list-type, picking the first element for every $x$ suffices - that would be linear in $\mathrm{card}(X)$.