Here is pseudocode for the Bocker-Liptak algorithm:
Let a be the numbers a[1], a[2], ... a[k]
Lay out a[1] tiles (numbered 1 thru a[1]) on which to write numbers
Write 0 on tile 1
for i in [2, ..., k]
find gcd(a[1], a[i])
d = gcd(a[1], a[i])
for starting tile r in [1, ..., d]
let nn be the smallest number on tiles r, r + d, ...;
if there are no numbers written on those tiles, go to the next starting tile
else repeat the following floor(a[1]/d) times
add a[i] to nn
let p be nn mod a[1]
go to tile p
if there is nothing there, write nn
else write min(nn, what is there)
When done, subtract a[1] from the largest number written on the tiles: this the
Frobenius number for the given values in `a`.
Here is Python code for the algorithm that I have modified:
def frobenius_number(*a):
Return the first number past which all numbers divisible by
the gcd of the numbers can be made from non-negative multiples
of positive integers in `a`; also report the gcd of the numbers.
>>> frobenius_number(6,9,20)
(43, 1)
Any number larger than 43 can be created from combinations
of 6, 9 and 20.
>>> frobenius_number(20, 44)
(159, 4)
Starting at 160, all multiples of 4 can be made from
combinations of 20 and 44.
from sympy import igcd
# modified Bocker-Liptak implementation from
def __residue_table(a):
from collections import defaultdict
n = defaultdict(None)
n[0] = 0
for i in range(1, len(a)):
d = igcd(a[0], a[i])
for r in range(d):
try: nn = min(n.get(q) for q in range(r, a[0], d) if q in n)
except ValueError: continue # e.g. a = 2,4,5 or 4,6,7
for _ in range(a[0] // d):
nn += a[i]
p = nn % a[0]
if n.get(p) is not None:
nn = min(nn, n[p])
n[p] = nn
return n
a = [i for i in a if i]
if len(a) == 0 or any(i < 0 for i in a):
raise ValueError
if len(a) == 1:
return -(a[0] - 1)
g = igcd(*a)
if g != 1:
n = frobenius_number(*[i // g for i in a])[0]
return g * (n + 1) - 1, g
a = sorted(a)
return max(__residue_table(a).values()) - a[0], 1