Given a category $C$, is there a name for the following category:
- $\mathrm{Obj}(D) = \left\{ (x, y, f) \middle| x, y \in \mathrm{Obj}(C), f \in C(x, y) \right\}$
- $D((x, y, f), (x', y', f')) = \left\{ (g, h) \middle| g \in C(x', x), h \in C(y, y'), h \circ f \circ g = f' \right\}$
This is, if you want, the final category $D$ that has a covariant functor $P : D \to C$, a contravariant functor $Q : D \to C$ and a dinatural transformation $Q \to P$.
If this is a known construct, then I am also interested in higher-dimensional generalizations (i.e. if $C$ is an $n$-category, I would like an $n$-category $D$ with similar properties).