The Martin's axiom number $\mathfrak m$ is the least cardinal $\kappa$ for which $\text{MA}_\kappa(\text{ccc})$ is false, i.e. the least cardinal such that there exists a ccc poset $P$ and a family $\mathcal D$ of dense subsets of $P$ with $|\mathcal D| = \kappa$ such that there no $\mathcal D$-generic filter $G \subseteq P$.
Is $\mathfrak m$ regular?
All I know is that $\mathfrak m$ cannot possibly be singular unless $\mathfrak m < \mathfrak c$. This is because $$\mathfrak m \leq \mathfrak p \leq \mathfrak c$$ where $\mathfrak p$ is the pseudo-intersection number. Hence $\mathfrak m = \mathfrak c$ implies $\mathfrak m = \mathfrak p$ and $\mathfrak p$ can be shown to be regular.