I believe that the following is well-known, but I cannot find a reference in the literature...
Let $X$ be a smooth variety (in our case $X = M^s(r)$ coarse moduli space of stable rank $r$ vector bundles with trivial determinant over a curve $C$ , so $X$ is not compact !) and let $L$ be a line bundle over $X$. Then we have the standard exact sequence
$$0 \to O_X \to Diff^1(L) \to T_X \to 0$$
now take the long exact sequence of cohomology
$$ ... \to H^1(O_X) \to H^1(Diff^1(L)) \to H^1(T_X) \to H^2(O_X) \to ...$$
Since $Pic(X) = \mathbb{Z}$ , we obtain $H^1(O_X) = 0$. Do we also have $H^2(O_X) = 0$, so that the middle arrow is an isomorphism ? It is natural to expect that
$$dim (H^1(T_X)) = dim (H^1(C, T_C)) = 3g-3,$$
so that any infinitesimal deformation of the moduli comes from a deformation of the curve, but I can find the result only for the coprime case (Narasimhan, Ramanan) and not trivial determinant.
Is this true for trivial determinant as well?