Claim: If $C$ is a curve of genus $g \geq 2,$ the canonical class of $C^{(d)}$ is nef and big if and only if $1 \leq d \leq g-1.$
Proof: Let $\theta \in {\rm NS}(C^{(d)})$ be the class of the pullback of the theta-divisor of ${\rm Jac}(C)$ via the Abel map, and let $x \in {\rm NS}(C^{(d)})$ be the class of the divisor $\{D + p_{0} : D \in C^{(d-1)}\},$ where $p_0 \in C$ is a given point. (Moving $p_{0}$ keeps us in the same algebraic equivalence class, so $x$ is independent of $p_{0}.$) These classes are linearly independent, by the formulas for $\theta^{j} \cdot x^{d-j}$ given in ACGH. Since the theta-divisor on ${\rm Jac}(C)$ is ample, $\theta$ is nef.
As abx points out, $C^{(d)}$ is a projective bundle over ${\rm Jac}(C)$ for $d \geq 2g-1;$ it is the subspace projectivization of a Picard bundle. In this case $x$ is the class of the relative $\mathcal{O}(1).$ The Chern class formulas for the Picard bundle given in ACGH, together with repeated application of the adjunction formula to the embedding $C^{(d)} \hookrightarrow C^{(d+1)}$ induced by adding a point, imply that
$$K_{C^{(d)}} = \theta + (g-d-1)x$$
A similar argument using the ampleness of the dual of the Picard bundle implies that the divisor class $x$ is ample.
The nefness of $\theta$ and the ampleness of $x$ imply that $d \leq g-1$ is sufficient for $K_{C^{(d)}}$ to be nef and big. For necessity, note that when $d \geq g,$ the class $\theta$ spans a boundary of the nef cone since the Abel map contracts a positive-dimensional locus; if $K_{C^{(d)}}$ is nef and big, then $\theta = K_{C^{(d)}}-(g-d-1)x$ is ample, which is absurd. This concludes the proof.
NOTE: The previous argument shows that $K_{C^{(d)}}$ is ample if and only if $1 \leq d \leq g-2.$