Let $G=\langle x,y,z,w \mid [y,x]=w^p=z, x^{p^2}=y^p=z^p=1 \rangle$ be a group, where $[u,v]=u^{-1}v^{-1}uv$, $p$ is a prime and the commutator which do not appear is 1.
Let $N=\langle y,w \rangle \cong C_p \times C_{p^2}$ and $T=\langle x \rangle$. I wish to calculate $H^2(N,\mathbb{C^{\star}})^T$, the $T$-stable subgroup of $H^2(N,\mathbb{C^{\star}})$. It is clear (by Knuth formula) that $H^2(N,\mathbb{C^{\star}}) \cong C_p$. But I am unable to find $H^2(N,\mathbb{C^{\star}})^T$.
Kindly give some hint or help.