the way it's stated, with integral cohomology, it certainly can depend on $\ell$. This is because of the occurrence of torsion classes Clearly a $p$-torsion class is sent to $0$ by this map for $\ell\neq p$, so it is sufficient to find an $\ell$-torsion class that is not sent to zero under this map.
But the Kummer exact sequence shows that for $i=1$, the kernel of the map is $\ell$-divisible. Hence any non-divisible torsion class, like a torsion point on an elliptic curve over a number field, or the canonical bundle of an Enriques surface, will do.
However with $\mathbb Q_\ell$ it may still be independent of $\ell$, depending on the base field. For algebraically closed fields it should be independent, because of the standard conjecture D which says the kernel would just be the group of cycles numerically equivalent to $0$. For arbitrary fields there are counteredamples as Mikhail Bondarko pointed out. For finitely generated fields I'm not sure.