In "Complexe cotangent et déformations II", Illusie introduces the derived deRham complex as the pro-completion of the total complex associated to the double complex $$\Omega_{P_j^A(B)/A}^i$$
where $P_j^A(B)$ is the standard simplicial resolution of a ringmap $A\to B$.
More precisely we equip $L\Omega^\bullet_{B/A}:=Tot \Omega_{P_j^A(B)/A}^i$ with the Hodge-filtration $F$ and define $$ L\Omega^\bullet_{B/A}:= "\varprojlim" L\Omega^\bullet_{B/A}/F^pL\Omega^\bullet_{B/A} $$
he then claims that this lives in the category of complexs of pro-$A$-modules.
My problem is that this seems from the definition as it should be in the category of pro-complex of $A$-modules. But this should matter or are the categories $pro(CoChain(A-Mod))$ and $CoChain(pro(A-Mod))$ equivalent? I tried to prove it but the Hom-Sets don't seem to agree.