As per Qiaochu Yuan's comment we need to only understand the space of based maps between $K(A,n)$ with a chosen base point.
The loop-deloop pair of functors establish an equivalence between the categories of $A^\infty$-groups and connected spaces with a base point:
$$\Omega: \mathrm{Top}_{*,\ \pi_0=0} \simeq \mathrm{Grp}: \mathbb{B}$$
More generally, $\Omega^n$ and $\mathbb{B}^n$ give an equivalence between $(n-1)$-connected basepointed spaces and $E_n$-groups. This means that
$$\mathrm{Top}_*(K(A, n), K(A, n)) = \mathrm{Grp}_{E_n} (A, A) $$
But $A$ is discrete, so all higher coherence data vanishes and a map of $E_n$-groups is the same as a map of set-theoretic groups, thus the answer.
I don't think your second statement is formally analogous since it mixes up the additive and multiplicative groups and I can't think of any inductive construction that links them, but who knows.
EDIT: Regarding the semidirect product. I don't think it is actually true.
A group $G$ is a semidirect product of groups $H \rtimes F$ iff there is a split exact sequence
$$0 \to H \to G \stackrel{\leftarrow}{\to} F \to 0$$
If X is a connected space with a chosen point $*\in X$ for the mapping space $\mathrm{Top}(X, X)$ we have in general a fiber sequence of spaces $$ \mathrm{Top}_* (X,X) \to \mathrm{Top}(X,X) \to X$$
The right arrow maps $f: X\to X$ to $f(*)$. There is the same sequence if $\mathrm{Top}(\cdot,\cdot)$ will denote invertible or homotopy invertible maps. Lets assume in the following that we consider invertible maps and all relevant spaces are topological spaces (we do not lose any generality since any homotopy fiber sequence is equivalent to a topological fibration and any homotopy group is equivalent to a topological group). Note that the left arrow in the sequence is always an inclusion of subgroup and the right arrow is the coset space of the action of based maps on all maps. If $X$ is a group $G$ (in particular, $G = K(A,n)$), then the right map has a section which maps an element $g: G$ to the shift operator $t_g : h: G \mapsto gh: G$ and this is a homomorphism of topological groups. Any $f: Aut(G)$ also can be uniquely represented as $f= t_g \circ \hat f$, where $g := f(*)$ and $\hat f : Aut_*(G)$.
On the level of spaces we thus certainly have that $Aut(G) = Aut_*(G) \times G$. However, while it looks like a semidirect product in fact it isn't, since neither $Aut_*(G)$ nor $G$ are normal subgroups in $Aut(G)$. While we have a factor map $Aut(G) \xrightarrow{/Aut_*(G)} G$ it is not a homomorphism of groups. If we represent some element of $f: Aut(G)$ as $t_g \cdot \hat f$, then the product of $f$ and $f^\prime$ looks like $$t_g \cdot \hat f \cdot t_{g^\prime} \cdot \hat f^\prime = t_g t_{g^\prime} \left( t_{g^\prime}^{-1} \hat f t_{g^\prime} \right) \hat f^\prime$$ which looks like a semidirect product but isn't, since conjugation by $t_{g^\prime}$ maps $Aut_*(G)$ to $Aut_{g^{\prime -1}}(G)$.
EDIT 2: As Achim Krause noted below, we actually have a homomorphism $Aut (K (A,n)) \to Aut (A) $ given by the action on n-th homology, thus the stated semidirect product decomposition $Aut (A) \ltimes K (A, n) $ is valid.