Alas there's no such labeling by
$\{1, 2, 3, \ldots, 15, 17, 18, 19, \ldots, 31\}$,
assuming I made no computational error somewhere along the way.
The vertex and face conditions give $32$ linear equations on the $30$ edge labels,
but with enough redundancy that there is a $6$-dimensional space of solutions.
The obvious solution is to label all the edges $1$. A less trivial solution
is obtained by fixing two opposite vertices $v,v'$ of the icosahedron, and
using the edges that connect a neighbor of $v$ to a neighbor of $v'$:
there are $10$ such, forming a cycle, and we can label them alternately
$+1$ and $-1$, and label the remaining $20$ edges zero. This gives $6$
generators (in addition to the all-$1$ vector), satisfying one relation
(they sum to zero if the signs are chosen consistently), for a total
dimension of $1 + (6-1) = 6$. These turn out to generate the space of
solutions even over the integers; that is, every integer solution of
the linear equations is an integer linear combination of the generators.
Subtracting off $16 \cdot (1,1,1,\ldots, 1)$, we are looking for a vector in
the $5$-dimensional span of the remaining generators whose coordinates
are a permutation of $(\pm 1, \pm 2, \pm3, \ldots, \pm15)$.
There is no obvious obstruction: no two of the $30$ coordinates
are identically equal (and coordinates at opposite edges are
automatically each other's negatives, which should only help).
It would now be feasible to choose $5$ independent coordinates,
try all $30 \cdot 29 \cdot 28 \cdot 27 \cdot 26$ choices of labeling,
and check whether any of them results in a solution of the desired kind.
But first I tried the shortcut of looking at all solutions modulo $2$ and $3$.
The former failed: there are $15$ linear combinations with the requisite
$16$ odd and $14$ even entries. But modulo $3$, (unwelcome) success:
none of the $121 = (3^5-1) / 2$ pairs of nonzero linear combinations has
coordinates equally split among $0,1$, and $2 \bmod 3$. (The possible
counts of $0 \bmod 3$ coordinates are $6, 8, 12, 14, 20$, occurring with
multiplicities $15, 60, 25, 15, 6$ respectively.) Hence there is no
edge labeling satisfying all the conditions, QED.
[added later: I should have noticed that none of $6,8,12,14,20$
is $1 \bmod 3$. This can be seen directly from the matrix of inner products
of our five nontrivial generators, which has rank $1 \bmod 3$.
So no exhaustive search is required at all, though there's still
the integer linear algebra to find our generators.]