This is a follow up question this one on MSE, which can basically be summarised as Robert Abilock originally posed in American Monthly in 1967:
$n$ riflemen are distributed at random points on a plane. At a signal, each one shoots at and kills his nearest neighbor. What is the expected number of riflemen who are left alive?
In my answer, I cited two apparently conflicting references
Vicious neighbor problem [R.Tao and F.Y.Wu; 1986], where the answer of $\approx 0.284051 n$ remaining riflemen was given as the solution in $2$ dimensions.
Mathematical Constants: Nearest-neighbor graphs [S.R.Finch; 2008], where Finch states that
In [Vicious neighbor problem], the absolute value signs in the definitions of $\varphi$ and $\psi$ were mistakenly omitted.)$\dots$
I have tried to replicate even the partial results in Tao/Wu's paper (despite leaving out the absolute values of $\varphi$ and $\psi,$) leaving me unsure as to whether I am missing something in my "translation" of the problem into Finch's more modern notation. I should be most grateful if someone could illuminate me further in this matter.