I'm wondering if it's possible to find an universal construction for a general concept of action for (single-sorted?) finite product sketches, such that one of those is "acting" on the second in the usual sense.
Let me explain by giving example:
i) a group action is a group acting on a set (associativity, stabilization by neutral elements),
ii) a vector space is a field acting on a commutative group (associativity, distributivity, stabilization by neutral elements),
iii) a module is a ring acting on a commutative group (associativity, distributivity, stabilization by neutral elements),
iv) an algebra is a field acting on a "pseudo ring" (non associative ring),
degenerated case: v) a ring is a monoid $M$ biacting on a commutative group $A$, where $M = A$ as objects.
Now, what I would like to do is taking the categories associated to the sketches of a group and a set (say), and produce a new category that is sketching the notion of "action of group on a set". The previous example would become
i) the category associated to the sketch of a group object acting on the terminal category is the sketch of a group object action,
ii) the category associated to the sketch of a field object acting on the category associated to the sketch of a commutative group object is a vector space object,
iii) the ring object acting on the commutative group object is a module object, etc.
Does anyone has ever heard of such concept? Do you guys think that it could also be formalized for general sketches, thus creating the general notion of "category acting on a category" in the previous sense?