Motivated by this question, I remembered a question I was curious about sometime which I am sure has some easy and nice example for it as well, which I just can't think of for some reason. I want an example of a power series that is not differentially algebraic. A differential algebraic power series is a series $f(t)$ satisfying an equation $P(t,f(t),f'(t),\ldots,f^{(k)}(t))=0$ for some $k$ and some polynomial $P$ in $k+2$ variables.
Update: examples in the comments below ($\sum t^{n^n}$, $\sum t^{2^n}$) make me ask a refinement (of a sort) for the original question: these examples are reminiscent of all those Liouville-flavoured examples of transcendental numbers, - I wonder if there is a Liouville-flavoured proof, stating that if the polynomial P is of given (multi)degree, some inequality holds that is obviously impossible for the series above?
Update 2: there are quite a few examples now, and I am tempted to accept the $\sum t^{n^n}$ answer since the example itself is easy and it came together with an easy explanation. I wonder what are other general approaches besides the ones that are exhibited in answers here (looking at p-adic norms of coefficients and looking at powers of $t$ with nonzero coefficients).