First we talk about dg-algebras. According to this n-lab page, we write $dgAlg$ for the category of cochain dg-algebras in non-negative degree over a field $k$ of characteristic $0$. Write $CdgAlg\subset dgAlg$ for the subcategory of (graded-)commutative dg-algebras. Then The projective model category structure on $CdgAlg$ and on $dgAlg$ is given by setting:
- weak equivalences are the quasi-isomorphisms
- fibrations are the degreewise surjections.
Then we look at dg-categories. According to this n-lab page, we write $dgCat$ for the category of small dg-categories over $k$. Then the Dwyer-Kan model structure on $dgCat$ is given by setting:
- a dg-functor $F:A\to B$ is a weak equivalence if $(1)$ for all objects $x,y\in A$ the component $F_{x,y}:A(x,y)\to B(F(x),F(y))$ is a quasi-isomorphism of chain complexes $(2)$ the induced functor on homotopy categories $H^0(F)$ (obtained by taking degree 0 chain homology in each hom-object) is an equivalence of categories.
- a dg-functor $F:A\to B$ is a fibration if $(1)$ for all objects $x,y\in A$ the component $F_{x,y}$ is a degreewise surjection of chain complexes; $(2)$ for each isomorphism $F(x)\to Z$ in $H^0(B)$ there is a lift to an isomorphism in $H^0(A)$.
Now we compare this two definitions. A dg-algebra can be considered as a dg-category which consists of one object hence we have a inclusion $dgAlg\subset dgCat$. However, although very similar at the first glance, the two model structures are not compatible. In particular there are dg-maps $F: A\to B$ between dg-algebras which is a fibration in the projective model structure on $dgAlg$ but not a fibration in the Dwyer-Kan model structure on $dgCat$.
For example let $A$ be the de Rham algebra of the closed interval $[0,1]$ and $B$ be the de Rham algebra of the two end points ${0,1}$ (hence $B$ is concentrated in degree $0$). Let $F: A\to B$ be the restriction map. It is clear that $F$ is degreewise surjective hence $F$ is a fibration in $dgAlg$. However if we take $f\in B$ to be $f(0)=1$, $f(1)=-1$ then $f$ is invertible in $H^0(B)$ but $f$ cannot be a restriction of a closed element in $A^0$ hence $F: A\to B$ is not a fibration when considered as a morphism in $dgCat$.
$\textbf{My question}$ is: what is the reason and consequence of this incompatibility? Does it mean that we can construct a new model structure on $dgAlg$ by restricting the Dwyer-Kan model structure to $dgAlg$?