Let $\mathcal C,\mathcal D$ be monoidal categories. Recall that a functor $F : \mathcal C \to \mathcal D$ is lax monoidal if it is equipped with maps $1_{\mathcal D} \to F(1_{\mathcal C})$ and $F(X) \otimes_{\mathcal D} F(Y) \to F(X \otimes_{\mathcal C} Y)$, the latter natural in $X,Y\in \mathcal C$, compatible with associators and unitors. It is oplax monoidal if it is instead equipped with maps in the other direction, and strong monoidal if it is equipped with isomorphisms. For each choice of lax/oplax/strong, there is a bicategory of monoidal categories, lax/oplax/strong monoidal functors, and monoidal natural transformations.
Suppose that $F : \mathcal C \to \mathcal D$ is one of lax/oplax/strong monoidal, and also admits a left adjoint $F^L$ in the bicategory of all functors. Under what circumstances is $F^L$ naturally lax/oplax/strong monoidal? Under what circumstances does this adjunction come from an adjunction in the bicategory of monoidal categories and lax/oplax/strong monoidal functors?