Suppose one has an $n \times n$ orthogonal matrix $M$: $$ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0.239326 & 0.846726 & 0.475161 \\ 0.768893 & 0.13356 & -0.625272 \\ 0.592897 & -0.514992 & 0.619077 \\ \end{array} \right) $$ Because it is orthogonal, $M^T M = I$. Suppose one entry of $M$ is erased, say $M(2,2)$: $$ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0.239326 & 0.846726 & 0.475161 \\ 0.768893 & \color{red}{x} & -0.625272 \\ 0.592897 & -0.514992 & 0.619077 \\ \end{array} \right) $$ It can be recovered from $M^TM=I$. For example, we must have the $(2,2)$ entry of $M^TM$ equal to $1$: \begin{eqnarray} 0.982162 + x^2 &=& 1 \\ x &=& \pm 0.13356 \end{eqnarray} and then, e.g., entry $(2,1)$ of $M^TM$ disambiguates (or determines on its own): \begin{eqnarray} -0.102694 + 0.768893 x &=& 0 \\ x &=& 0.13356 \end{eqnarray}
My question is:
Q. What is the maximum number $k$ of entries of an $n \times n$ orthogonal matrix $M$ that can be erased and then uniquely recovered, knowing only that $M$ is orthogonal?
It could well be that $k$ depends on which entries are erased, which itself could be interesting. But I am at the moment seeking the maximum of $k$ over all possible entries that permits exact recovery.