
It is remarked in Shafarevich's Basic Algebraic Geometry 1 that Rees and Nagata constructed examples of quasiprojective varieties such that the ring of regular functions is not finitely generated, but I cannot find the source he is referring to. Can anyone give such examples here? Does that mean we can't really say anything about the ring of regular functions of a quasi-projective variety?


1 Answer 1


It's a theorem that a quasi-projective variety is affine if and only if it is Stein (we're working over C, say) and its ring of functions is finitely generated. So find a Stein manifold that isn't affine, and that will do it.

And, after a bit of looking, it appears that Vakil may have rediscovered the Rees and Nagata example, here.

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    $\begingroup$ I don't think that a Stein manifold that isn't affine will do the trick. For instance, if we take Serre's example ( P^1 bundle over an elliptic curve obtained as the projectivization of the unique non-trivial extension 0-> O -> V -> O -> 0 minus the section determined by O -> V) is Stein, and every regular function on it is constant since the section has zero self-intersection. $\endgroup$ Oct 23, 2009 at 11:49
  • $\begingroup$ I was certain that I'd read that Stein + f.g. => Affine for varieties, but that seems like a counterexample. I must be missing a hypothesis. Asking a question to try to find out exactly what is true. Must be some nontriviality hypothesis for the ring of regular functions, I'm guessing (maybe separates points?) $\endgroup$ Oct 23, 2009 at 12:52
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Ok, so according to Tony Pantev on my related question, what we need is a quasi-affine variety that is Stein. Then we have affine if and only if finitely generated. So it's a matter of looking for non-affine Stein manifolds which are quasi-affine. $\endgroup$ Oct 23, 2009 at 21:26

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