EDITED. Suppose first that $f(C)$ is not contained in any hyperplane.
Let us describe hyperplanes by equations
$L(w)=a_1w_1+\ldots+a_nw_n-b=0$, where we can normalize so that $\sum |a_j|^2+b^2=1$.
Now our assumption that $f(C)$ does not contained in any hyperplane, implies that you can find
points $z_0,\ldots,z_n$ so that $f(z_j)$ do not lie in any hyperplane. This means
that $\max\{ |L(f(z_j))|: 0\leq 0\leq n\}\geq c>0$, where $c$ depends only on $f$.
Let $r_0=\max_j|z_j|$.
Now apply Jensen's formula to the disks $|z-z_j|\leq R:= 6r+r_0$. They all contain the disk
$|z|<2r$. Let $n_j(t,L,f)$ be the counting function of the intersections with the hyprplane $L$ in the disk $|z-z_j|\leq t$,
$$N_j(R,L,f)=\int_0^R(n_j(t,L,f)-n_j(0,L,f))\frac{dt}{t}+n_j(0,L,f)\log R.$$
Notice the inequality $n(r,L,f)\leq N(er,L,f)$ for $r>e$.
Then By Jensen's formula applied to the subharmonic function
$\log|L\circ f|$, we obtain
$$N_j(R,L,f)\leq\int_0^{2\pi}\log| L\circ f(Re^{it}+z_j)| dt/(2\pi)-\log| L\circ f(z_j)|.$$
The first term has an upper bound depending only on $f$ and $r$ and the second term has an
upper bound $-\log c$ for some $j$. So take minimum in $j$ and you obtain the estimate independent of $L$.
Now if $f(C)$ is contained in some hyperplane, we reduce to the previous case. Let $H$
be the affine space of the smallest dimension that contains $f(C)$. Then change the coordinates so that $H$ is described by equations $w_{m+1}=w_{m+2}=\ldots=w_n=0$.
In these new coordinates $f$ can be considered as a map to $C^m$ whose image is
not contained in any hyperplane. The hyperplanes for which the number of preimages is discrete are exactly those which do not contain $H$.