We know that for an effective divisor on a smooth projective variety there is a natural way of associating to it a scheme, in particular using the Cartier divisor. Can we do the same for higher codimension effective algebraic cycles? More precisely, let $X$ be a smooth projective variety and $Z_c:=\sum_i a_iZ_i$ be an algebraic cycle on $X$, where $Z_i$ are integral of the same codimension and $a_i>0$. Then,
1) Is there a natural way of associating to $Z_c$ a scheme $Z$ such that the corresponding segre class $s(Z,X)$ (notation as in Fulton's Intersection theory, chapter $4$) is the cycle $Z_c$?
2) Furthermore, if $Z_{c_{\mathrm{red}}}=\sum_i Z_i$ is local complete intersection subscheme in $X$, then can we find such a $Z$ which is also local complete intersection subscheme in $X$?