We believe the answer to the following question, that is relevant to a joint research project with Piotr Szewczak, should be known. We would appreciate any help or pointer. Needed definitions may be found in, e.g., Blass's chapter in the Handbook of Set Theory.
For $f\in\omega^\omega$, let $K_f:=\{g\in \omega^\omega : g\le^* f\}$.
Let $\mathfrak{tmp}$ be the minimal cardinality of a set $Y\subseteq \omega^\omega$ such that the set $\bigcup_{f\in Y}K_f$ is not meager.
Since every set $K_f$ is meager, we have that $\mathfrak{b}\le \mathfrak{tmp}\le \mathrm{non}(meager)$.
Is $\mathfrak{tmp}$ (provably) equal to either of these cardinals?