Let $G$ be an algebraic group, and $G_{Id}$ the connected component of the identity. Then $G_{Id}$ is a normal subgroup of $G$ and $G/G_{Id}$ is the component group of $G$.
Let $G_{c}\subset G$ be another connected component of $G$. Is is possible to define a group structure on $G_c$?
Assume we know that for any connected component $G_c$ of $G$ we have an injective morphism $f_c:G_c\rightarrow H\times F$ where $H$ is a group and $F$ a finite group. Now, for any $g\in g$ there exists a unique connected component $G_c$ such that $g\in G_c$ and we may define a map $$f:G\rightarrow H\times F,\: g\mapsto f_c(g).$$ If $f$ is surjective can we conclude that $f$ is an isomorphism?