One can also prove Pollard's inequality similarly as Cauchy-Davenport, the key point is to investigate the minimizing problem of the quantity
$$min_{|A|+|B|fixed}F(A,B), \quad where \quad F(A,B)=\sum_{i=1}^tN_i, t\leq min\{|A|,|B|\}fixed$$
The advantage is that we only need to prove the worst case, and in the worst case we can get some additional properties for free
This quantity $F(A, B)$ has the following 2 property:
- This quantity $F(A,B)$ is invariance under a translation of $A$ or $B$, i.e. when change $A$ to $A+d$ or $B$ to $B+d$, $\forall d\in \mathbb{Z_p}$, $F(A,B)=F(A+d,B)=F(A,B+d)$.
- change pair $(A,B)$ to $(A\cup B, A\cap B)$ make $|A|+|B|=|A\cup B|+| A\cap B|$ invaricane but $F(A\cup B, A\cap B)\leq F(A,B)$, the following is a picture help to illustract why $F(A\cup B, A\cap B)\leq F(A,B)$ is true.
Through finite times operation of type 1 and type 2 we can reduce the problem to the trivial case,
N_{1}+\cdots+N_{|B|} \geq \min (|B|\cdot |A|, |B|\cdot p) \quad (*)
and then we can prove the trivial case $(*)$ just by counting twice argument, because morally we have $N_{1}+\cdots+N_{|B|} =\#\{(a,b)|a\in A, b\in B\}= \min (|B|\cdot |A|, |B|p)$