I am doing constrained vector optimization using a non-convex non-linear likelihood function. My problem is of the following form:
$$\begin{align*}\hat Q &= \underset{\vec Q}{\arg\min} -\log \mathcal{L}(\vec Q) \\ &s.t. \; Q_i > 0 \text{ for all } i=1...|\vec Q|\end{align*}$$
with $\mathcal{L}$ being the non-convex function in question.
My problem is that $\vec Q$ is very high dimensional, so no matter how many restarts I use, I never start in the neighbourhood of the optimal solution and thus never converge to the global minimum.
My idea is to convexify the function so that I can get into the neighbourhood of the solution, and then run the non-convex solver to try to find the global minimum. Is this a viable strategy? And if so, is there a good silver-bullet for convexification? If not, do you have any suggestions for me?
(P.S. I can provide the likelihood function if it is helpful, but it is extremely complex.)
(P.P.S. Is this the right stack exchange for this question?)