The convex conjugate of a function, say, $f:X\to \mathbb{R}$ is a function $f^*:X^*\to \mathbb{R}$ defined as $$f^*(x^*):=\sup_{x\in X} ~\langle x, x^*\rangle-f(x),$$ where $X^*$ is the topological dual of $X$ and $\langle\cdot, \cdot\rangle$ is dual pairing between $X$ and $X^*$.
The relative entropy (aka Kullback-Leibler divergence) $D(\cdot||Q):\mathcal{P}(X)\to \mathbb{R}^+$, is defined for two probability measures $P$ and $Q$ $(P\ll Q)$ as $$D(P||Q)=\int_XdP \log\frac{dP}{dQ}.$$
I have been trying to calculate the convex conjugate of map $P\mapsto D(P||Q)$ but I have failed. I know that the answer is $\log \mathbb{E}_{Q}[e^{f}]$ where $\mathbb{E}_Q[\cdot]$ is the expectation operator with respect to probability measure $Q$.