To add a little perspective to the question and Dietrich's answer, there has been a natural tendency in the literature to go beyond perfect ground fields and traditional algebraic geometry toward formulations for arbitrary fields in scheme language (SGA3, Demazure-Gabriel, Conrad-Gabber-Prasad). Another tendency is to discuss connected solvable groups rather than just unipotent ones. But there are some reasonable textbook treatments besides the Lecture Notes 414 volume.
Much of the work on generalizations to solvable algebraic groups over arbitrary fields was done by M. Rosenlicht in the mid-1950s. This is mostly presented with more "modern" proofs in the expanded second edition of Borel's Linear Algebraic Groups (GTM 126, Springer, 1991), $\S15$. For the structure of a connected unipotent group $G$ over a perfect field $k$ of any characteristic, the key point here is that $G$ "splits" over $k$ (15.5). But then Borel just quotes Rosenlicht without proof in 15.13(a) on the explicit structure of any $k$-split connected solvable group $G$ with $k$ arbitrary: $G$ is $k$-isomorphic as a variety to a product of copies of the additive and multiplicative groups (all being additive groups in the unipotent case).
Springer's Linear Algebraic Groups (2nd ed., Birkhauser, 1998) has a somewhat more explicit treatment along these lines (Chapter 14): see in particular 14.2.6-14.2.7 for unipotent groups over an arbitrary field $F$. Again the group is required to be $F$-split, which is satisfied when $F$ is perfect. (While the ideas in the unipotent case go back to Lazard, the tendency in both of these books is to refer only to Rosenlicht's work on solvable groups.)