I need the following computational results for proving something. Let $1/2 + i\gamma_0$, be the first nontrivial zero of Riemann zeta function, $\zeta(s)$, i.e. $\gamma_0\sim 14.134...$.
1) what is the residue of $1/\zeta(s)$ at $1/2 + i\gamma_0$
2)* what is the best lower bound we can give on $|\zeta(1/4 + i\gamma_0/2 \pm i\theta)|$, considering $\theta$ as a variable, varying in a small range(we may consider $\theta\in [-2\pi, 2\pi]$). (Here |.| means the absolute value of a complex number.)
- For (2), we assume Riemann Hypothesis.
My above two questions are on very specific values of $\zeta(s)$, but I would be thankful if you can provide any general reference and results on these questions.
quad(lambda t: 0.1 * exp(2*pi*j*t)/zeta(zetazero(1) + 0.1 * exp(2*pi*j*t)), [0,1], verbose=True)