Any Turing-complete model of computation will have programs with this property. Specifically, let $\varphi_e$ denote the function computed by program $e$, in whatever such system you favor. Define two computable functions $h_1$ and $h_2$ so that
$$\varphi_{h_1(x,y)}(z)=\varphi_x(x,y)\qquad\text{ and }\qquad\varphi_{h_2(x,y)}(z)=\varphi_y(x,y).$$
That is, $h_1(x,y)$ is a program that on input $z$ gives the value $\varphi_x(x,y)$ and similarly for $h_2$. We may easily arrange that $h_1(x,y)\neq h_2(x,y)$ for every $x,y$, that is, these programs are different (even if they might sometimes happen to compute the same function), simply by making irrelevant syntactic differences in $h_1(x,y)$ versus $h_2(x,y)$.
Let $d_1$ and $d_2$ be the programs for these functions, so that
$\varphi_{d_1}=h_1$ and $\varphi_{d_2}=h_2$. Let
$$A=h_1(d_2,d_1)\qquad\text{ and }\qquad B=h_2(d_2,d_1).$$ These are different because we ensured that $h_1$ and $h_2$ always have different values. Now simply compute
Thus, regardless of the input, program $A$ will output $B$, and program $B$ will output $A$, as desired.
as desired